In Candle Glow Most Sacred : Recording For Congregations Organ for Congregational use Tune: Nimrod, composed by Sir Edward William
More Anthem / Book of Genesis / Candlemas - Presentation of Christ in the Temple / Communion/Eucharist / Edward William Elgar (1857-1934) / Evensong / Genesis 10 / Hymn / Irregular / John 14:15-17 / Nimrod / Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday / Richard Irwin Original / Richard M S Irwin (b. 1955) / SATB / Video / Year A Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year A Thanksgiving Day USA / Year B Epiphany 1 (Baptism of The Lord) / Year B Epiphany Transfiguration Sunday, Next Before Lent / Year B Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year B Thanksgiving Day USA / Year C Pentecost, Whit Sunday