We Love the Place, O God

We Love the Place, O God (Quam Dilecta, Organ, 7 Verses)

We Love the Place, O God : Recording Tune: Quam Dilecta, composed by Henry Lascelles Jenner. Public domain. Meter: 66

How Bright Appears The Morning Star

How Bright Appears The Morning Star! (Wie Schön Leuchtet, Organ, 3 Verses)

How Bright Appears The Morning Star! : Recording Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet, composed by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) and harmonised by

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star! (Wie Schön Leuchtet, Organ, 3 Verses)

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star! : Recording Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet, composed by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) and harmonised by

Stand Up Stand Up

Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus (Morning Light, Organ, 4 Verses)

Alternative settings of Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus.  Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus : Recording Tune: Morning Light,

Onward Christian Pilgrims (Saint Gertrude, Organ, 5 Verses)

Onward Christian Pilgrims (Saint Gertrude, Organ, 5 Verses)

Onward Christian Pilgrims : Recording The same tune is used for the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers. Tune: St Gertrude, composed

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (Halton Holgate, Organ, 4 Verses)

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (Halton Holgate) : Recording Tune: Halton Holgate, composed by William Boyce (1711-1779). Public Domain. Meter: 87 87.

How Firm A Foundation Montgomery 6

How Firm A Foundation (Montgomery, Organ, 6 Verses)

Alternative settings of How Firm A Foundation  How Firm A Foundation Montgomery 6 Verses : Recording Tune Montgomery a traditional

How Firm A Foundation Montgomery 6

How Firm A Foundation (Montgomery, Organ, 5 Verses)

Alternative settings of How Firm A Foundation  How Firm A Foundation Montgomery 5 Verses : Recording Tune Montgomery a traditional

How Firm A Foundation

How Firm A Foundation (St Denio, Organ, 5 Verses)

Alternative settings of How Firm A Foundation  How Firm A Foundation : Recording Tune St Denio a traditional Welsh tune by

How Firm A Foundation St Denio 6 Verses

How Firm A Foundation (St Denio, Organ, 6 verses)

Alternative settings of How Firm A Foundation  How Firm A Foundation St Denio 6 Verses : Recording Tune St Denio a traditional
