I'm Made In The Likeness Of God - My Creator, Piano & Flute

I’m Made In The Likeness Of God (My Creator, Piano & Flute, 3 verses) Free Download

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I’m Made In The Likeness Of God : Recording

This recording is designed to accompany congregational singing.


The music used in this recording is in copyright and a Licence has been obtained to create it. A Limited Online Music Licence (OLE-00000028561) has been obtained to allow you to download the music services for use in services of Divine Worship. Please Contact Us.

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I’m Made In The Likeness Of God Lyrics

Meter: 84 88 8

I’m made in the likeness of God,
My Creator;
He made me for His own Glory,
Oh, listen to my story,
Yes, I’m made in the likeness of God.

I’m made in the likeness of God,
Christ, my Saviour;
Jesus saves me from hell’s fury,
Oh, listen to my story,
Yes, I’m made in the likeness of God.

I’m made in the likeness of God,
God, my Teacher;
His Spirit gives ability,
Oh, listen to my story,
Yes, I’m made in the likeness of God.

Lyrics © 2020 Verna Penn Moll. All Rights Reserved. For General usage in services.

Buy a PDF Score

Price: £ 1.99
The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use, for your choir or congregation. You do not have persmission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organisations want to use the music they buy their own download.


“I’m Made In The Likeness Of God” is an uplifting hymn and one of a series written by Virgin Island author, Verna Penn Moll. She has edited and written several books  and other publications  including,  Poetic Prayers: Where Cultures Meet, 1999; Methodism: 200 years of Witness 1810-2010, 2010; Land Acquisition by Virgin Islanders, 2000; This Land: A Trust From God,  2014; and Funintun’s Christmas: traditional Christmas Customs of the BVI. The disk cover is a picture of a Flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) from Verna’s garden.

The hymns has been set to a new tune by Richard Irwin, called “My Creator”, named after the declarative second line of the hymn. Played here by a Piano and Flute. It was recorded and produced by Richard Irwin.

Hymns Without Words™ is a free resource for churches and congregations around the world providing free downloads hymns and carols for use in services. This service is provided by composer and arranger Richard Irwin. Music is generally recorded without words and therefore suitable for congregational singing.

Recordings are often refreshed and new recordings added, so please keep coming back to see what is new. We encourage new writers and composers to submit their works for publication. Please Contact Us if you would like to suggest new hymns for recording. Please subscribe to our newsletter for details of new recordings and suggested seasonal choices of hymns.

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