I Am Lifted Up

I Am Lifted Up (Vern and Christina Neufeld, 4 Verses)

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Instrumental Version

I Am Lifted Up (Lifted, Small Consort, 4 Verses)

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I Am Lifted Up : Lyrics

1. I am lifted up
by the One who strengthens me,
by the One who sets me free,
the One to whom I owe my all;
by the One who catches me
when I stumble or I fall.
I am lifted up

by the God who’s in control,
by the God who owns my soul,
who completes me to make me whole.

2. I am lifted up
by the One who hears my call,
by the One controlling all,
the One who claims my life and soul;
by the One who’s blessed me so
who will never let me go.
I am lifted up . . .

3. I am lifted up
by the Ancient of all days,
by the Life, the Truth, the Way,
whom I worship and I praise;
by the hands nailed on the tree,
by the One who rescued me.
I am lifted up . . .

4. I am lifted up
by the One who bled and died,
by the One man crucified,
the One to whom I owe my all;
by the One who catches me
when I stumble or I fall.
I am lifted up . . .

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