Father We Praise Thee Now The Night Is Over : Recording Tune: Christie Sanctorum from the Paris Antiphoner (1681) harmonised
More Hymn / 11 11 11 5 / Christie Sanctorum / David Evans (1874-1948) / Easter Vigil / Gregory The Great (540-604) / Morning Prayer / Paris Antiphoner (1681) / Percy Dearmer (1867-1936) / Year A Easter 5 / Year A Proper 22, Ordinary 27, Trinity 17 / Year A Proper 26, Ordinary 29, Fourth Sunday Before Advent / Year B Advent 2 / Year B Epiphany 5 / Year B Epiphany 6 / Year B Lent 3 / Year B Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 11 / Year B Proper 18, Ordinary 23, Trinity 14 / Year B Proper 21, Ordinary 26, Trinity 17 / Year B Trinity Sunday / Year C Christmas 1 / Year C Proper 20, Ordinary 25, Trinity 14 / Year C Proper 23, Ordinary 28, Trinity 17