Jesu The Very Thought Of Thee (St Agnes) : Recording Other settings of Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee Tune:
Ash Wednesday / Classic Hymns for Lent and Passiontide / CM / Edward Caswall (1814-1878) / General / Holy Week Monday / Hymn / Jesu The Very Thought Of Thee / John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) / Lent / St Agnes (Dykes) / St Bernard of Clairvaux (1091 - 1153) / Year A Epiphany 7 / Year A Lent 3 / Year A Proper 16, Ordinary 21, Trinity 11, Pentecost 13 / Year A Proper 20, Ordinary 25, Trinity 16 / Year A Proper 22, Ordinary 27, Trinity 17 / Year A Proper 24, Ordinary Time 29, Trinity 19 / Year B Easter 4 / Year B Epiphany 6 / Year B Palm Sunday - Liturgy of The Palms and Liturgy of The Passion / Year B Proper 11, Ordinary 16, Trinity 7 / Year B Proper 12, Ordinary 17, Trinity 8 / Year B Proper 16, Ordinary 21, Trinity 12 / Year B Proper 6, Ordinary 11, Trinity 2 / Year C All Saints' Day / Year C Epiphany 6 / Year C Epiphany Transfiguration Sunday, Sunday Next Before Lent / Year C Holy Name Of Jesus Or Naming And Circumcision Of Jesus / Year C Lent 3 / Year C Lent 5 - Passion Sunday / Year C Proper 11, Ordinary 16, Trinity 5 / Year C Proper 12, Ordinary 17, Trinity 6 / Year C Proper 7, Ordinary 12, Trinity 1