Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven

Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven (Lauda Anima (Andrews), Organ, 5 Verses)

Alternative settings of Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven : Recording This

How Bright Appears The Morning Star

How Bright Appears The Morning Star! (Wie Schön Leuchtet, Organ, 3 Verses)

How Bright Appears The Morning Star! : Recording Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet, composed by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) and harmonised by

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star! (Wie Schön Leuchtet, Organ, 3 Verses)

How Brightly Shines The Morning Star! : Recording Tune: Wie Schön Leuchtet, composed by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) and harmonised by

Blessed Jesus At Your Word (Liebster Jesu, Organ, 3 Verses)

Blessed Jesus At Your Word (Liebster Jesu, Organ, 3 Verses)

Blessed Jesus At Your Word : Recording Tune: Liebster Jesu, composed by Johann Rodolph Ahle (1625-1673) and harmonised by Johann

Thine Arm O Lord In Days Of Old (St Matthew, Organ, 3 Verses)

Thine Arm O Lord In Days Of Old (St Matthew, Organ, 3 Verses)

Thine Arm O Lord In Days Of Old : Recording Also known as Your hand, O Lord, in days of old.

At The Cross Her Station Keeping

At The Cross Her Station Keeping (Sabat Mater, Organ, 14 Verses)

At The Cross Her Station Keeping : Lyrics 1. At the cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful Mother weeping,

Christ Is The World's Light (Christe Sanctorium, Organ & Trumpet Descant, 4 Verses)

Christ Is The World’s Light (Christe Sanctorium, Organ & Trumpet Descant, 4 Verses)

Christ Is The World’s Light : Recording Tune: Christe Sanctorium by an anonymous composer found in the Paris Antiphoner (1681).

Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain

Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain (Ave Virgo Virginum, Organ, 4 Verses)

Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain : Recording Tune: Ave Virgo Virginum, a traditional German tune by an anonymous composer,

O Spirit Of The Living God

O Spirit Of The Living God (Winchester New, Organ, 5 verses)

O Spirit Of The Living God (Winchester New) : Recording Tune: Winchester New, a traditional German tune from the Musickalisches
