O Lord My God (How Great Thou Art) : Recording Tune: How Great Thou Art, Music composed by Stuart K
More Stuart K Hine (1899-1989) / 11 10 11 10 and Refrain / General / Holy Week Monday / Holy Week Wednesday / Hope Publishing Co. / How Great Thou Art / Hymn / Thanksgiving Day Canada / Traditional Swedish / Year A Lent 2 / Year A Proper 8, Ordinary 13, Trinity 4, 5th Sunday after Penecost / Year B Advent 1 / Year B Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year B Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 11 / Year C Feast Of Christ The King / Year C Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 9 / Year C Proper 6 Ordinary 11 / Year C Proper 8, Ordinary 13, Trinity 2 / Year C Trinity Sunday