Good Christians All Rejoice (In Dulci Jubilo) : Recordings
- Tune: In Dulci Jubilo, by an anonymous 14th century German composer, arr. John Stainer (1840-1901). Public Domain.
- Meter: Irregular
- Performance ℗ 2021 Richard Irwin Music®. ISRC UKTU21900371. All rights reserved.
Good Christians All Rejoice (In Dulci Jubilo) : Lyrics
This version of the carol omits the fourth line of each verses (e.g. News! News!), other versions of Good Christians All Rejoice which can be found can be found here.
Alternative names for this carol include: Good Christians All Rejoice, Good Christian Folk Rejoice and the mediaeval original In Dulci Jubilo (Organ, 4 verses)
Good Christians all, rejoice
with heart, and soul, and voice!
Give ye heed to what we say:
News! News!
Jesus Christ is born today!
Ox and ass before him bow,
and he is in the manger now.
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!
Good Christians all, rejoice
with heart, and soul, and voice!
Now ye hear of endless bliss,
Joy! Joy!
Jesus Christ was born for this;
He hath opened the heavenly door,
and all are blest for evermore.
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!
Good Christians all, rejoice
with heart, and soul, and voice!
Now ye need not fear the grave;
Peace! Peace!
Jesus Christ was born to save,
Calls you one and calls you all,
to gain his everlasting hall.
Christ was born to save!
Christ was born to save!
Please note that this carol is a 19 century adaption of the 14th century mediaeval carol In Dulci Jublio.
The carol is also known as Good Christian Men Rejoice and Good Christian Folk Rejoice.
- Lyricist: John Mason Neale (1818-1866). Public Domain.
- Meter: Irregular
Good Christians All Rejoice (In Dulci Jubilo) : Free MP Download
The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights ℗ belong to Richard M S Irwin. You may click the Download Button to obtain the MP3 recording for use in Worship (including online services) or for personal use only. For other uses of the recording, please Contact Us.
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Good Christians All Rejoice (In Dulci Jubilo) : Score
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