In Dulci Jubilo

In Dulci Jubilo (Organ, 4 verses) Free Download

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In Dulci Jubilo : Recording

Carol – In Dulci Jubilo : Lyrics


1. In dulci jubilo,
Now sing with hearts aglow!
Our delight and pleasure
Lies in praesepio,
Like sunshine is our treasure
Matris in gremio.
Alpha es et O!
Alpha es et O!

2. O Jesu parvule,
For thee I long alway;
Comfort my heart’s blindness,
O puer optime,
With all thy loving-kindness,
O princeps gloria.
Trahe me post te!
Trahe me post te!

3. O Patris caritas!
O Nati lenitas!
Deeply were we stained,
Per nostra crimina;
But thou for us hast gained
Coelorum gaudia.
O that we were there!
O that we were there!

4. Ubi sunt gaudia,
In any place but there?
There are angels singing,
Nova cantica.
And there the bells are ringing
In Regis curia.
O that we were there!
O that we were there!


1. In dulci jubilo,
nun singet und seid froh!
Unsers Herzens Wonne
leit in præsepio
und leuchtet als die Sonne
matris in gremio.
Alpha es et O.
Alpha es et O.

2. O Jesu parvule,
nach dir ist mir so weh.
Tröst mir mein Gemüte,
o puer optime;
durch alle deine Güte,
o princeps gloriae,
trahe me post te,
trahe me post te.

3. Ubi sunt gaudia?
Nirgend mehr denn da,
da die Engel singen
nova cantica
und die Schellen klingen
in regis curia.
Eia, wärn wir da!
Eia, wärn wir da!

4. O pater caritas
o mater lenitas
wir waren gar verdorben
per nostra crimina:
So hast du uns erworben
coelorum gaudia.
Maria, hilf uns da!
Maria, hilf uns da!

  • Lyrics Traditional. Public Domain.
  • Meter: 66 77 78 55.

In Dulci Jubilo : Free MP3 Download

The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®. You have permission to download this track for personal use or use in Church services. For any other use, please Contact Us.

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SATB Latin/English PDF Score

SATB Score – In Dulci Jubilo.

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