Before The Cross Of Calvary

Before The Cross Of Calvary (I Have A House And Land In Kent, Jacobean Consort, 6 Verses)

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Before The Cross Of Calvary : Lyrics

A hymn for Maundy Thursday.

1. Before the cross of Calvary,
Jesus went to Gethsemane
For prayer, solitude and rest;
When His agony took the test,
Jesus prayed in Gethsemane.
Three times, He prayed for you and me.

2. From joyous supper with His friends,
He descended to dreadful ends
Stirred inside the brimming Cup:
God’s wrath upon humanity.
‘Come keep watch, and pray with me’,
He uttered in Gethsemane.

3. Distressed, depressed and squeezed and pressed
Cup’s contents crushed all human sense,
He fell grounded fac-down, anguished:
‘Abba! save me from this hour!’
‘Come keep watch, and pray with me.’
He uttered to the inner three!

4. Sore and overwhelmed with sorrow,
Temptation shot a straight arrow
To shun the cup of destiny;
Jesus submitted to God’s will!
‘Come keep watch, and pray with me.’
He uttered to the inner three!

5. Deeper and deeper prayer with tears,
Jesus cried in His Father’s ears!
The Abba heard, and ministered;
Charged boldness cried, ‘Thy will be done!’
Three times, he prayed for you and me
In the garden of Gethsemane!

6. No empathy from His best friends,
Alone, He paid the penalty,
Down to the dregs, for you and me;
Jesus switched the Cup of Calvary
For Salvation’s Cup, full and free,
Blessings, thanksgiving, victory!

Before The Cross Of Calvary Recording

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