Ye Sheep of Jesus Sweetly Sing

Ye Sheep of Jesus Sweetly Sing (Saxby, Organ, 4 Verses)

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Ye Sheep of Jesus Sweetly Sing : Recording

Ye Sheep of Jesus Sweetly Sing : Download

The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®. You have permission to download this track for personal use or use in Church services. For any other use, please Contact Us.

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Ye Sheep of Jesus Sweetly Sing : Lyrics

1. Ye sheep of Jesus sweetly sing
The praise of your Almighty King;
In Hi, eternal life is found,
And His own arms His sheep surround.

2. To those eternal life I give,
And through my death my sheep shall live;
For them to perish cannot be,
Because I live, they live by me.

3. From all their foes that seek their ill,
My hand shall guard and keep them still;
Though mighty foes against them stand,
They shall not pluck them from my hand.

4. They shall with me forever reign,
Set free from all their toil and pain;
Eternal joy they shall possess,
And shine complete in righteousness.

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