Be Still My Soul : Recording Tune: Finlandia composed by Jean Sibelius (1865-1957). Music Copyright ©Breitkopf and Härtel, recorded with
10 10 10 D / 2027 / All Souls' Day / Breitkopf and Härtel / Catharina Amalia Dorothea Von Schelgal (1697 - 1768) / Finlandia / Funeral / General / Hymn / Jane L. Borthwick (1813 - 1897) / Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957) / Passiontide / Year A Epiphany 8 / Year A Lent 3 / Year A Lent 4 / Year A Proper 16, Ordinary 21, Trinity 11, Pentecost 13 / Year A Proper 17, Ordinary 22, Trinity 12, Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost / Year A Proper 19, Ordinary 24, Trinity 14 / Year A Proper 23, Ordinary 28, Trinity 18 / Year A Proper 27, Ordinary 32, 3rd Sunday Before Advent / Year B Epiphany 5 / Year B Epiphany 5, 2nd Sunday Before Lent / Year B Proper 17, Ordinary 22, Trinity 13 / Year B Proper 7, Ordinary 12, Trinity 3 / Year B Proper 9, Ordinary 14, Trinity 5 / Year C 2nd Sunday Before Lent / Year C All Saints' Day / Year C Epiphany 7