Other settings of Take My Life And Let It Be Take My Life And Let It Be : Recording St Bees
More Take My Life And Let It Be / 77 77 / Baptism/Christening / Candlemas - Presentation of Christ in the Temple / Classical / Francis Ridley Havergal (1836 - 1879) / General / Hymn / John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) / St Bees / Wedding / Year A Epiphany 2 / Year A Epiphany 6 / Year A Lent 4 / Year A Proper 12 Ordinary 17 Trinity 7 / Year A Proper 20, Ordinary 25, Trinity 16 / Year A Proper 22, Ordinary 27, Trinity 17 / Year A Proper 24, Ordinary Time 29, Trinity 19 / Year A Proper 25, Ordinary 30, Trinity 20 / Year A Proper 27, Ordinary 32, 3rd Sunday Before Advent / Year A Proper 28, Ordinary 33, Second Sunday Before Advent / Year A Proper 8, Ordinary 13, Trinity 4, 5th Sunday after Penecost / Year A Second Sunday Before Advent / Year B Epiphany 2 / Year B Proper 5, Ordinary 10, Trinity 1 / Year B Proper 7, Ordinary 12, Trinity 3 / Year C Easter 7 - Seventh Sunday of Easter / Year C Epiphany 4 - Presentation of Christ in the Temple / Year C Epiphany 7 / Year C Proper 13, Ordinary 18, Trinity 7 / Year C Proper 16, Ordinary 21, Trinity 10 / Year C Proper 18, Ordinary 23, Trinity 12 / Year C Proper 20, Ordinary 25, Trinity 14