Lord Jesus Think On Me (St Paul'S, Organ, 6 Verses)

Lord Jesus Think On Me (St Paul’s, Organ, 6 Verses)

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Lord Jesus Think On Me : Recording

Lord Jesus Think On Me : Lyrics

1. Lord Jesus, think on me,
And purge away my sin;
From earth born passions set me free,
And make me pure within.

2. Lord Jesus, think on me,
With care and woe opprest;
Let me thy loving servant be,
And taste thy promised rest.

3. Lord Jesus, think on me
Amid the battle’s strife;
In all my pain and misery
Be thou my health and life.

4. Lord Jesus, think on me,
Nor let me go astray;
Through darkness and perplexity
Point thou the heav’nly way.

5. Lord Jesus, think on me,
When flows the tempest high:
When on doth rush the enemy,
O Saviour, be thou nigh.

6. Lord Jesus, think on me,
That, when the flood is past,
I may th’eternal brightness see,
And share thy joy at last.

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The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®.

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One comment

  1. I thank our Lord Jesus greatly for hymns like this one, Lord Jesus think on me, that seem to have reverence and request of our Lord in the words and I think in the music also. A slow pace of the music and the excellence God gives that notes can be together in chords give me ability to think on what this song says to me. Modern Christian music that I have heard in some places does not have the same spiritual support of me that the real hymns do. This hymn has come from the heart of God’s people in the past that I believe know what absolute surrender to Jesus as Lord, and then Savior, is. I have no musical ability, although my mom had a beautiful voice and would sing hymns at times at home, so I thank God for you Mr. Irwin that can play so excellently. A website called Small Church Music, started by a minister Clyde McLennan in Australia, has I believe thousands of hymns originally played by him on pipe organ and piano and has the same excellence. Some hymns now are available I think it says a small band version however I like the greatness of the organ. It helps me best.

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