Dearest Jesu We Are Here Lyrics
1. Dearest Jesu, we are here,
At thy call, thy presence owning;
Pleading now in holy fear
That great sacrifice atoning:
Word incarnate, much in wonder
On this mystery deep we ponder.
2. Jesu, strong to save — the same
Yesterday, today, for ever —
Make us fear and love thy name,
Serving thee with best endeavour:
In this life, O ne’er forsake us,
But to bliss hereafter take us.
- Lyrics by George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848-1934) based on the German original by Tobias Clausnitzer (1619-1684).
- Meter: 78 78 88.
Dearest Jesu We Are Here Recording and Download
- Tune: Liebster Jesu, composed by Johann Rodolph Ahle (1625-1673) and harmonised by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Public Domain.
- Performance ℗ 2021 Richard Irwin Music®. All Rights Reserved
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