Whenever days are darkened

Whenever Days Are Darkened (Merthyr Cynog, Piano, Flute and Horn, 3 Verses)

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Whenever Days Are Darkened : Recording

Whenever Days Are Darkened : Download

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Whenever Days Are Darkened : Lyrics

Wondrous Heavenly Love. 

Whenever days are darkened
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To let the light come flooding in,
For soul’s release He came.
That blesséd Name I love to hear,
The Name that casts away my fear,
That overflows me from above:
O!  Wondrous, heavenly love!

If times I feel that I’m alone,
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To feel His gentle touch once more,
Upon this ailing frame.
That shepherd’s touch, for me He cares,
The Father’s love with me He shares,
Then overflowing from above,
O!  Wondrous, heavenly love!

When the days have brightened,
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To know He’s always with me,
Constantly the same.
Securely by my Saviour’s side,
Evermore to keep and guide,
Then overflowing from above,
Such wondrous, heavenly love!

Buy a PDF of the Score

Price: £ 1.99
The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use, for your choir or congregation. You do not have persmission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organisations want to use the music they buy their own download.

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