We’re Walking In The Footsteps

We’re Walking In The Footsteps (Cara, Organ, 5 Verses) 2011 Lyrics

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We’re Walking In The Footsteps has two versions of the lyrics dating from 2011 and 2022, all settings can be found here.

We’re Walking In The Footsteps : Recording

We’re Walking In The Footsteps : 2011 Lyrics

See: We’re Walking In The Footsteps for the 2022 lyrics.

1. We’re walking in the footsteps
Where our dear Lord once trod;
We’re marching ever onward
To glory and to God.

2. The saving grace of Jesus,
Is something you must know,
To take the Gospel message
To every place you go.

3. The Saviour offers freedom
To all who know His name;
The offer of salvation
Is waiting to be claimed.

4. The message is so simple,
It speaks of God above;
Of how He sent us Jesus,
To save us by His love.

5. It tells of grace and mercy,
Of freedom from earth’s strife;
And points us ever onward
To everlasting life.

We’re Walking In The Footsteps : Free MP3 Download

The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®. Please contact us if you wish to use the recordings other than for use in divine worship or for personal use.

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Price: £ 1.99
The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use, for your choir or congregation. You do not have persmission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organisations want to use the music they buy their own download.

The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use or for your choir or congregation. You do not have permission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organizations want to use the music they buy their own download.

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