We Three Kings: Recording
- Tune: Kings of Orient composed by John Henry Hopkins (1820-1891). Public Domain.
- Meter: 88 86 and Refrain.
- Performance ℗ 2013 Richard M S Irwin. All Rights Reserved.
We Three Kings : Lyrics
1. We three kings of Orient are,
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder Star.
O, star of wonder, star of might,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to the perfect light.
2. Born a babe on Bethlehem’s plain;
Gold we bring to crown Him again;
King forever, ceasing never,
Over us all to reign. Refrain
3. Frankincense to offer have I;
Incense owns a Deity nigh;
Prayer and praising, all men raising,
Worship Him, God on High. Refrain
4. Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom;
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Refrain
5. Glorious now behold Him arise,
King and God and sacrifice,
Heaven sings, “Hallelujah!”
Hallelujah!” Earth replies. Refrain
- Lyrics by John Henry Hopkins (1820-1891). Public Domain.
- Meter: 88 86 and Refrain.
We Three Kings : Free MP3 Download
The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®. You have permission to download this track for personal use or use in Church services. For any other use, please Contact Us.
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We Three Kings : Score
Available from MobileHymns.org
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I love this very song.Hope to send me more.