Father We Praise You Now : Recording Tune: Christe Sanctorium, from Paris Antiphoner 1681 harmonized by David Evans (1874-1948). Meter:
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Percy Dearmer (1867-1936) was an Anglican priest who served as a chaplain to the British Red Cross in Serbia during World War I. He became a Professor of Ecclesiastical Arts at Kings College London (1919 – 1936). Along with others, he published The English Hymnal (1906), Songs of Praise (1925) and The Oxford Book of Carols (1928).
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Hymns associated with Percy Dearmer (1867-1936)
Father We Praise You Now : Recording Tune: Christe Sanctorium, from Paris Antiphoner 1681 harmonized by David Evans (1874-1948). Meter:
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