Love Is The Reason

Love Is The Reason (American Melody, Piano Ensemble, 3 Verses)

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1. Love is the reason, love is the answer,
That is why Jesus came down to earth;
He came to free us now and forever,
Blesséd salvation, grace of new birth.
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
That is why He hung on Calv’ry’s tree;
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
By grace He saved us and set us free.

2. Love is the reason, love is the answer,
He came to set the prisoner free;
He will transform you when you accept Him,
Make the lame walk, and make the blind see.
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
That is why He hung on Calv’ry’s tree;
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
By grace He saved us and set us free.

3. Love is the reason, love is the answer,
Jesus came down your sins to atone;
Redeemed the lost sheep, saved for the Father,
Saving through faith and by grace alone.
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
That is why He hung on Calv’ry’s tree;
Love is the reason, love is the answer,
By grace He saved us and set us free.

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Buy a PDF Score

Piano Ensemble – Piano, Flute, English Horn, Cello.

Price: £ 1.99
The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use, for your choir or congregation. You do not have persmission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organisations want to use the music they buy their own download.

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