See There a Manger

See There a Manger Filled with Hay (The Angels Sang, Small Consort, 3 Verses) Free Download

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See There a Manger Filled with Hay : Recording

See There a Manger Filled with Hay : Free MP3 Download

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See There a Manger : Lyrics

1. See there a manger filled with hay,
And where the infant Christ-child lay,
There in oil-lamps flickering glow,
Our God was born on Earth below,
And the angels sang, alleluia!
And the church bells rang, alleluia!
And all the stars shone so bright
That first Christmas night, alleluia!

2. Hear then the song the angels sang,
Hear the loud tune the church bells rang.
“Peace on the Earth, and good will to men.”
Angelic voices repeat again:
And the an-gels sang, alleluia! . . .

3. What glory shin-ing all around,
People bow down to heaven’s sound,
And voices sing in harmony,
Jesus he came for you and me:
And the an-gels sang, alleluia! . . . 

Buy A PDF Piano Score

Price: £ 1.99
The score you are purchasing is in copyright. The copyright holders herein give you permission to make sufficient copies of the music for your personal use, for your choir or congregation. You do not have persmission to copy the score for general distribution, but would ask that if other churches, choirs or related organisations want to use the music they buy their own download.

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