Jesus Came Down From Above : Recording
- Tune: St Bees, composed by John Bacchus Dykes (1823 – 1876). Public Domain
- Performance ℗ 2019 Richard M S Irwin. ISRC UKTU21900015. All Rights Reserved.
Jesus Came Down From Above : Lyrics
1. Jesus came down from above,
Telling us of God’s great love;
He’s our brother, Lord and friend,
And on him we can depend.
2. He has paid the ransom cost,
To redeem the poor and lost;
Lame men walk and blind men see,
When He calls them, “Follow Me.”
3. When His promises we claim,
He will set our hearts aflame;
He will grant us when we serve,
Blessings more than we deserve.
4. His the glory, His the praise,
Songs of royal worship raise;
To His feet your tributes bring,
Praise and glorify the King!
- Lyrics: Copyright © 2011 Colin Gordon-Farleigh (b. 1943) . Used with permission.
- Meter: 77 77 .
Jesus Came Down From Above : Free MP3 Download
The music used in this recording belongs in the Public Domain, but the Performance rights belong to Richard Irwin Music®. Please contact us if you wish to use the recordings other than for use in divine worship or for personal use.
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Go to God and he will be here for you if you want him to be there for being your friend.