All Ye That Fear The Lord

All Ye That Fear The Lord (Quito, Organ, 7 Verses) Free Download

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All Ye That Fear The Lord : Recording

His Grace I Proclaim

All Ye That Fear The Lord : Free MP3 Download

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All Ye That Fear The Lord : Lyrics

1. All ye that fear the Lord,
And love his holy name,
With kindness hear my broken speech,
While I his grace proclaim.

2. A sinner all forlorn,
A rebel I have been;
By nature and by practice vile,
A wretched slave to sin.

3. Till late I felt no fear,
No consciousness of blame;
But since the truth my heart has reached,
I’m filled with grief and shame.

4. The Saviour now I love,
His sacred name adore;
And since his glories I have seen,
I fain would love him more.

5. But words are faint and few,
His wonders to unfold;
And should I now the tale attempt,
His love could ne’er be told.

6.Whate’er my follies past,
How weak soe’er I am,
My trust alone I humbly place
In my Redeemer’s name.

7. His people are my choice,
His cause is dear to me:
Here would I leave my solemn vows,
And his for ever be.


those who fear the lord scriptures, those who fear the lord lack no good thing, they that fear the lord, psalms 34:9 meaning, there is no lack in god

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