Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies (Heathlands) : Recording
- Tune: Heathlands, composed by Henry Thomas Smart (1813 – 1879). Public Domain.
- Meter: 77 77 77.
- Performance Copyright ℗ 2017 Richard Irwin Music®. Certain rights reserved.
Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies : Lyrics
Other settings of Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies
Christ, whose glory fills the skies,
Christ, the true, the only light,
Sun of Righteousness, arise,
Triumph o’er the shades of night;
Day-spring from on high, be near;
Day-star, in my heart appear.
Dark and cheerless is the morn
Unaccompanied by thee;
Joyless is the day’s return,
Till thy mercy’s beams I see;
Till they inward light impart,
Cheer my eyes and warm my heart.
Visit then this soul of mine;
Pierce the gloom of sin and grief;
Fill me, radiancy divine,
Scatter all my unbelief;
More and more thyself display,
Shining to the perfect day.
- Lyricist: Charles Wesley (1707 – 1788). Public Domain.
- Meter: 77 77 77.
Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies (Heathlands) : Free MP3 Download.
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