Come Ye Faithful Raise The Anthem Lyrics 1. Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem, Cleave the skies with shouts of
More Hymn / 87 87 87 / Ascension Day / Easter Sunday / Easter Vigil / General / Hymns For Easter / Joachim Neander (1640 - 1680) / Job Hupton (1762 - 1849) / John Mason Neale (1818-1866) / Traditional German / Unser Herrscher / Year A Christmas 2 / Year A Proper 7, Ordinary 12, Trinity 3 / Year B Christmas 2 / Year B Epiphany 4 / Year B Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 11 / Year B Proper 18, Ordinary 23, Trinity 14 / Year C Christmas 2 / Year C Easter 3 / Year C Proper 21, Ordinary 26, Trinity 25