Praise Jesus Reigning Now On Earth : Lyrics Praise Jesus, reigning now on Earth, High-seated on the throne; Praise Him
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Samuel Webbe The Younger (1770-1843) was an English music teacher and composer born in London. He was organist at Paradise Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool (1798). Later he succeeded his father, Samuel Webb The Elder as organist at the Spanish Ambassador’s Chapel, London (1817). He also held positions at St. Nicholas’ Church and St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Chapel in Liverpool.
[catlist name="samuel-webbe-the-younger" orderby=title order=asc numberposts=50 pagination=yes excerpt=yes title_tag=strong title_class=lcp_title]Praise Jesus Reigning Now On Earth : Lyrics Praise Jesus, reigning now on Earth, High-seated on the throne; Praise Him