O God Beyond All Praising : Recording Tune: Thaxted, composed by Gustav Theodore Holst (1874-1934) from Jupiter in his Planets’
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Michael Arnold Perry (1942 – 1996) was a notable 20th Century English hymnwriter and Anglican Priest. He was closely associated with Jubilate Hymns.
[catlist name="michael-arnold-perry-1942-1996" orderby=title order=asc numberposts=50 pagination=yes excerpt=yes title_tag=strong title_class=lcp_title]O God Beyond All Praising : Recording Tune: Thaxted, composed by Gustav Theodore Holst (1874-1934) from Jupiter in his Planets’
MoreSee Him Lying On A Bed Of Straw : Recording Tune: Calypso Carol, composed by Michael Arnold Perry (1942 –