Beneath the Cross of Jesus : Recording 3 Verses 5 Verses Tune: St Christopher composed by Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927).
More Hymn / 76 86 86 86 / Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane (1829-1839) / Frederick Charles Maker (1844-1927) / Good Friday / Holy Week Monday / Holy Week Tuesday / Holy Week Wednesday / St Christopher / Year A Lent 1 / Year A Proper 11, Ordinary 16 Trinity 6 / Year A Proper 17, Ordinary 22, Trinity 12, Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost / Year A Proper 22, Ordinary 27, Trinity 17 / Year B Dedication Festival / Year B Lent 4 / Year C Palm Sunday - Liturgy of The Palms and Liturgy of The Passion