O Breath Of Life : Recording This recording has been made to accompany singers in Church Services. Tune: Spiritus Vitae,
98 98 / Ash Wednesday / Bessie Porter Head (1850 - 1936) / Classic Hymns for Lent and Passiontide / Easter Vigil / Evensong / Harvest Festival / Holy Week Monday / Hymn / Lent / Mary Jane Hammond (1878 - 1964) / Spiritus Vitae / Year A Advent 4 / Year A Epiphany 1 (Baptism of The Lord) / Year A Lent 2 / Year A Lent 3 / Year A Lent 5 - Passion Sunday / Year A Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year A Proper 23, Ordinary 28, Trinity 18 / Year B Advent 1 / Year B Easter 2 / Year B Epiphany 1 (Baptism of The Lord) / Year B Epiphany 5, 2nd Sunday Before Lent / Year B Lent 5 - Passion Sunday / Year B Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year B Trinity Sunday / Year C 2nd Sunday Before Lent / Year C Epiphany 1, Baptism of The Lord / Year C Pentecost, Whit Sunday / Year C Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 9 / Year C Proper 19, Ordinary 24, Trinity 23 / Year C Proper 25, Ordinary 30, Trinity 19 / Year C Proper 9, Ordinary 14, Trinity 3