When I Survey The Wondrous Cross : Recordings Tune: Rockingham by an anonymous composer adapted by Edward Miller (1735 –
Anonymous / Classic Hymns for Lent and Passiontide / Edward Miller (1735 - 1807) / Good Friday / Holy Week Monday / Holy Week Tuesday / Holy Week Wednesday / Hymn / Isaac Watts (1674-1748) / Lent / LM (88 88) / Passiontide / Rockingham / Video / Year A Epiphany 3 / Year A Epiphany 5 / Year A Palm Sunday - Liturgy of The Palms and Liturgy of The Passion / Year A Proper 22, Ordinary 27, Trinity 17 / Year B Lent 2 / Year B Lent 3 / Year B Palm Sunday - Liturgy of The Palms and Liturgy of The Passion / Year B Proper 19, Ordinary 24, Trinity 15 / Year B Proper 24, Ordinary 29, Trinity 20 / Year B Proper 27, Ordinary 32, Third Sunday Before Advent / Year B Proper 9, Ordinary 14, Trinity 5 / Year C Easter 6 - Sixth Sunday of Easter / Year C Lent 5 - Passion Sunday / Year C Palm Sunday - Liturgy of The Palms and Liturgy of The Passion / Year C Proper 11, Ordinary 16, Trinity 5 / Year C Proper 13, Ordinary 18, Trinity 7 / Year C Proper 9, Ordinary 14, Trinity 3