Christ Is The World’s Light : Recording Tune: Christe Sanctorium by an anonymous composer found in the Paris Antiphoner (1681).
More Hymn / 10 11 11 6 / Anonymous / Christe Sanctorium / Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) / Paris Antiphoner (1681) / Reformation / Richard M S Irwin (b. 1955) / Stainer and Bell Ltd / Transfiguration of the Lord (Years A,B,C) / Year A Christmas 2 / Year A Easter 5 / Year A Epiphany 2 / Year A Epiphany 5 / Year A Lent 4 / Year A Lent 5 - Passion Sunday / Year A Proper 15, Ordinary 20, Trinity 11, 12th Sunday After Pentecost / Year B Christmas 2 / Year B Epiphany 4 / Year B Proper 11, Ordinary 16, Trinity 7 / Year C Lent 2 / Year C Proper 21, Ordinary 26, Trinity 25 / Year C Proper 27 3rd Sunday before Advent